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Writer's pictureRandi Lockhart

What Magical Influences Will the Planets Have in Store for You During the Week of October 13-20, 2024?

Astrological Overview for October 13-20, 2024

Key planetary transits for this week:

  • Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Libra on October 17: This powerful event marks a time of new beginnings, particularly in relationships, balance, and harmony. Eclipses are known for bringing sudden shifts or revelations. Expect surprises and transformation.

  • Mars in Scorpio: This transit continues to intensify our focus on deep, emotional work and confronting our shadows. It's a time for powerful transformation and endings that make room for new growth.

  • Venus in Virgo: Venus is still moving through Virgo, focusing on refinement, self-care, and grounding in relationships. Practical magic and attention to detail are emphasized.

  • Mercury in Libra: Mercury in Libra sharpens communication and encourages diplomacy, particularly in one-on-one relationships. It’s a good time to resolve conflicts or bring clarity to conversations.

This week’s energy is driven by themes of transformation and balance, with an emphasis on partnerships and personal relationships. The New Moon in Libra on October 16 offers a powerful opportunity to set intentions for new beginnings, especially in areas concerning relationships, partnerships, and personal harmony. Libra energy is about creating balance, justice, and finding peace in our interactions. Use this new moon to manifest harmony and clarity in your partnerships and to rebalance areas of your life that feel out of alignment.

Mars in Scorpio continues to intensify your focus on transformation, shadow work, and letting go of what no longer serves you. This transit gives you the energy to dive deep into emotional issues and embrace change. Paired with Venus in Virgo, which focuses on self-care and refinement, this is an excellent time to care for both your emotional and physical well-being.

Mercury in Libra supports clear communication and diplomacy. If you’ve been avoiding difficult conversations, this week offers the opportunity to speak your truth with fairness and grace.

Overall Theme for the Week:

This week, the cosmic energy encourages balance, harmony, and transformation. The New Moon in Libra on October 16 is perfect for setting intentions around relationships and personal equilibrium. Mars in Scorpio provides the strength needed for deep emotional work, while Venus in Virgo reminds us to care for ourselves with attention to detail and practical magic. This is a week to harmonize your internal and external worlds, focusing on renewal and growth in relationships, personal goals, and emotional healing.

Detailed Horoscopes and Witchy Guidance:

Aries (March 21 - April 19):

The New Moon in Libra brings balance and new beginnings in your relationships, Aries. Use this time to focus on bringing harmony into your partnerships, whether personal or professional. The energy of Mars in Scorpio is still pushing you to confront deep emotional issues, so don’t shy away from those challenging conversations. With Mercury in Libra helping you communicate clearly, this is a great week to resolve any lingering conflicts.

Witchy Tip: On the night of the New Moon, perform a balance spell. Light two candles—one black and one white—symbolizing harmony and duality. Focus on setting intentions for balance in your relationships and emotional life.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20):

Venus in Virgo continues to encourage self-care and refinement in your daily routines. The New Moon in Libra highlights balance in your work and personal life. This is an ideal time to set intentions for creating more harmony between your responsibilities and your need for self-care. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, now is the time to establish a more peaceful routine.

Witchy Tip: Perform a grounding ritual with herbs like lavender and chamomile. Create a daily self-care jar where you write down small, soothing actions you can take for yourself each day to support your well-being.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20):

The New Moon in Libra shines a light on your creative projects and romantic connections. This week is ideal for setting new intentions in your love life or reigniting your creative spark. Mercury in Libra helps you communicate your desires with grace, so don’t hesitate to express what you want in your relationships. This week, focus on creating balance between your intellectual pursuits and your emotional needs.

Witchy Tip: Use the New Moon energy to write down creative or romantic goals. Place your intentions under a blue candle and let it burn as you visualize these new beginnings coming to life.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22):

The New Moon in Libra brings a focus to your home and family life, Cancer. This is the perfect time to set new intentions around creating harmony in your living space and healing family dynamics. Mars in Scorpio continues to push you toward emotional healing, so use this week’s energy to resolve any tensions at home or within your personal relationships.

Witchy Tip: Cleanse your home with sage or rosemary during the New Moon. Set intentions for peace and harmony by lighting a candle at your altar and placing a piece of moonstone near the entrance to invite peaceful energy into your space.

Leo (July 23 - August 22):

This week’s New Moon in Libra lights up your communication sector, Leo, encouraging new beginnings in how you share your thoughts and ideas. If you’ve been holding back in conversations, now is the time to speak your truth with kindness and balance. Mars in Scorpio continues to stir up deeper emotions, but this energy will help you express yourself more authentically.

Witchy Tip: On the New Moon, light a blue candle to enhance your throat chakra. Drink a tea infused with peppermint or chamomile to soothe your nerves and set intentions for clearer, more balanced communication.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22):

Venus in your sign continues to emphasize the importance of self-care and attention to detail, Virgo. The New Moon in Libra highlights your financial sector, making it a perfect time to set intentions for abundance and stability. Whether you're rethinking your spending habits or setting new financial goals, this is the week to find balance between your material desires and your practical needs.

Witchy Tip: Perform a money-drawing spell during the New Moon. Use green candles, cinnamon, and a few coins to attract financial stability and manifest abundance in your life.

Libra (September 23 - October 22):

Happy New Moon in your sign, Libra! This week brings powerful energy for personal renewal. Use the New Moon on October 16 to set intentions for your personal growth, relationships, and self-expression. Mars in Scorpio encourages deep personal transformation, while Venus in Virgo helps you refine your self-care routine. This is your moment to rebalance and focus on creating a version of yourself that aligns with your higher goals.

Witchy Tip: Perform a self-renewal ritual on the night of the New Moon. Light a white candle, write down the traits you wish to release, and burn the paper. Focus on setting new, positive intentions for your personal growth.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21):

Mars in your sign continues to empower you, Scorpio, making this a week of intense transformation. The New Moon in Libra highlights your subconscious, bringing hidden emotions or desires to the surface. Use this energy to dive deep into your inner work and release any emotional baggage that’s been holding you back. This is a powerful week for self-reflection and spiritual renewal.

Witchy Tip: Perform a shadow work ritual during the New Moon. Light a black candle and journal about any unresolved emotions or fears. Burn the paper afterward to symbolize release and transformation.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21):

The New Moon in Libra on October 16 activates your social connections and community involvement, Sagittarius. This is a great time to set intentions for new friendships, collaborations, or networking opportunities. If there have been any imbalances in your social life, use this week to restore harmony. Mars in Scorpio encourages you to dive deeper into your emotional connections, so embrace meaningful conversations and shared experiences.

Witchy Tip: On the night of the New Moon, perform a community spell. Light pink candles and write down intentions for harmonious friendships and supportive connections. Burn the paper to release these intentions into the universe.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19):

The New Moon in Libra brings focus to your career and public life, Capricorn. This is a great week to set new goals for your professional path and work-life balance. If you've been feeling overworked or out of alignment with your ambitions, use the energy of the New Moon to recalibrate. Mars in Scorpio continues to fuel your determination, so focus on what you truly want to achieve.

Witchy Tip: Perform a career manifestation spell during the New Moon. Use green candles and bay leaves to set intentions for professional success and balance in your work life.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18):

The New Moon in Libra on October 16 encourages you to expand your horizons, Aquarius. This is a great time to set new intentions for travel, education, or spiritual growth. If you've been feeling stuck, this lunar phase can help you break free from limitations and explore new perspectives. Mars in Scorpio is urging you to confront deeper truths, so allow this week to be one of exploration and personal


Witchy Tip: Perform a knowledge-expansion ritual during the New Moon. Light yellow candles and meditate with a journal, setting intentions for personal growth, travel, or new educational pursuits.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20):

The New Moon in Libra on October 16 highlights your shared resources and transformation sector, Pisces. This is an ideal time to set new intentions around finances, investments, or deeper emotional healing. Mars in Scorpio continues to push you toward profound inner work, so embrace this energy to release old emotional wounds and embrace new financial opportunities or healing paths.

Witchy Tip: Perform a financial transformation spell during the New Moon. Use black and green candles to symbolize release and new beginnings. Focus on setting intentions for emotional and financial healing.

Closing for the Week of October 13 to October 20, 2024

As the New Moon in Libra on October 16 brings new beginnings, use this week’s energy to create balance and harmony in your relationships, goals, and emotional well-being. Mars in Scorpio offers the strength to embrace transformation, while Venus in Virgo encourages you to nurture yourself and your surroundings. This is a time for renewal and alignment, as you set intentions for the next phase of your journey.

Final Ritual: Light a white candle at the end of the week and reflect on the new beginnings sparked by the New Moon. Set intentions for balance, growth, and harmony in all areas of your life, trusting that the universe is guiding you toward your highest good.

Blessed be. ✨


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